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Airsoft Activities


Tension & Sensation
Airsoft is something you must experience....

Airsoft briefly explained....

Airsoft is played with airsoft equipment. These are usually replicas of existing firearms. The airsoft devices shoot 6mm balls at a speed of approximately 350 km/hour and an impact of approximately 1 Joule. Eye protection is mandatory and complete facial protection is strongly recommended. Players who rent equipment from us will receive a full face mask.

We start every airsoft event with a mandatory safety briefing.

Airsoft is usually played team versus team.

Airsoft games are realistic. The tension is real and you are completely disconnected from your real life. You don't want to get hit and your focus is 100% on the game.

Airsoft is emotion and can become an addictive hobby. Airsoft is a real life shooter game and very good for your fitness.

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