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Airsoft Activities

An exciting airsoft party with 1½ hours non-stop action. This is only possible at Area 077.

€ 17,50 p.p. and a minimum of 10 players

The children are given a tactical vest, eye protection and a airsoft rifle (a replica of a G36C assault rifle)

We start with a safety and weapen instruction/

We'll make two teams and let the game begin ....... sneaking across the playing field with your gun at the ready, because you never know who or what you'll find around the next corner .......... you white of course not be hit by a BB. It doesn't hurt, but it isn't really enjoyable either.

We at Area 077 take care of the party, although an adult supervisor must come along. He can then lend a hand when loading the warehouses, because the kids naturally don't want to run out of ammo.

Halfway through the party there is a break with free lemonade (coffee or tea for the supervisors).

The price includes 450 BBs (plastic balls) per child. These are 10 magazine refills (this is normally sufficient, but if the battle is heavier, additional BBs can be purchased)

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(costs € 30,- a year. discount is applied automatically)


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